EQ Math & Measuring Your Personal Impact
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This week is about self awareness and emotional intelligence and just a little tip, a little self awareness for yourself that will change the impact that you have on other people in your life, relationships at work, etc.
And because we are talking about emotional intelligence and self awareness, that's really about shining a light on yourself.
A simple equation for you to remember in your life:
Someone sharing something they like
you responding in a negative way
that person not wanting to share things with you anymore.
Why? Because you're proven that you’re not very fun or safe to share things with, whether it’s ideas or just general conversation.
I know this seems really simple, but in general, people are really bad at this. It might be strange for you to hear, but it is possible for you to have an opinion and not say anything at all.
Crazy, right?
For example, when someone's like, "Hey, I like this band," you don't have to be like, "I hate that band."
I know that that feels extreme, but you’d be surprised how often it happens.
Take some personal inventory
“When somebody’s sharing an idea at work or in your personal life, it is a great opportunity to take some personal inventory and review how you respond to other people’s ideas and contributions.”
When somebody’s sharing an idea at work or in your personal life, it is a great opportunity to take some personal inventory and review how you respond to other people’s ideas and contributions.
It's so important, and it's very subtle because nobody in the world sets out to be like, "I know what I'm going to do, I'm going to say negative things and bring negative energy to interactions and conversations that I have with people!"
The people who do that in your life are not aware of it.
Which makes it take much more important all of us individually to be conscious of how we respond to people.
For the love of Pete, apply some discretion here.
Am I saying, “Be positive no matter what, no matter how crazy or dangerous or reckless someone’s idea is, just respond positively?”
Of course not.
“The result of that is that people will stop sharing things with you, they’ll stop bringing up ideas to you, people in your life will show up around you in a much different way because they know that you are always going to come in with something critical. ”
Use discretion here, apply some self awareness. Does this mean you have to say something positive every single time? Obviously not, but be conscious and aware of your response to things.
Are you always adding something negative, or injecting negativity when it’s not warranted? Because unfortunately, a lot of people do.
The result of that is that people will stop sharing things with you, they’ll stop bringing up ideas to you, people in your life will show up around you in a much different way because they know that you are always going to come in with something critical.
Be aware of the way that you impact and respond to other people, it makes a huge difference. Self awareness is everything.
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This article was created by Galen Emanuele for the #culturedrop. Free leadership and team culture content in less than 5 minutes a week. Check out the rest of this month's content and subscribe to the Culture Drop at https://bit.ly/culturedrop