Take a Mental Health Day, Give a Mental Health Day
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Let’s talk mental health days.
I'm a huge proponent of taking a mental health day or taking a mental half day. Our team has taken them this year and so have I.
They're great to come back, recharged and refreshed and just have some time.
For example, on our team, the second half of every Friday is just called “Sandbox Time.” Starting at 2pm on Fridays, anyone can do anything they want. They can work on work stuff, they can take off for the weekend, they can work on fun projects that they don't carve time out for themselves during the week. It’s just some time to focus on yourself and do something outside of work.
I think it's nice to talk about as a team.
Taking a mental health day doesn’t mean you’re struggling with your mental health.
This doesn't have to mean I'm struggling with my mental health.
“Exercise pursuing joy and also just taking down time for yourself.”
It's just a day to recharge and recoup and just have a day to do whatever I want. It just feels lovely. I think that if you can take them, have them, give them as much as possible. Those are generally the days that I'm sitting playing video games and coming up with brilliant ideas for the company or things that we want to do.
Exercise pursuing joy and also just taking down time for yourself.
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This article was created by Galen Emanuele for the #culturedrop. Free leadership and team culture content in less than 5 minutes a week. Check out the rest of this month's content and subscribe to the Culture Drop at https://bit.ly/culturedrop